Discover Solar Panel Technology System Mechanics
While they might appear overwhelming initially, solar power systems contain various fairly comprehensible components in reality. Numerous devices work in unison so that solar power can generate direct current (DC) energy, and change it into alternating current (AC) energy to be used by appliances. Four main aspects of a solar energy system are solar panels, a charge controller, a power inverter, and batteries. These items may be bought so that you can put together a solar energy system yourself, or you can work with a professional so that you can be sure your alternative energy system is set up properly. Either way, it is best to get quotes from various companies so you can get the best deal before investing in a solar energy system.
The foremost and most widely recognized aspect of solar energy are solar power panels. The panels can be created out of different types of cells, and their quality differs based on what resources are employed. However, all types of solar panels use photons produced by sunlight to generate electrical current. One solar cell only produces around half a volt of energy, but typical solar panels use thirty-six cells wired together in order to produce seventeen volts of peak output. An entire solar energy system will, of course, use more than a single panel, and hence produce plenty of electricity for a home or business.
A charge controller is the next aspect of a solar energy system. When sunlight is very bright, more voltage will be produced by the solar cells, and so the batteries involved in a solar energy system will need to be protected from excessive voltage. The charge controller monitors the energy being produced until it reaches a maximum current. Then, it maintains this level for a time before reducing it to what is called a "float" level to make sure the system is safe.
Perhaps the most important aspect of a solar energy system is the power inverter. The power inverter is what changes DC energy to AC energy. It also charges the batteries of your system when connected to a utility grid or AC generator, if you are using a standalone system. Different types of inverters have varying efficiency levels due to the types of AC energy waves they produce. Most people end up using a modified sine wave inverter since they are a medium between the poorest functioning inverter and the priciest type.
The battery, or batteries, are the last part of a solar energy system. Batteries store electrical power so that a home or business will still be provided with energy when sunlight is not available. Smaller appliances can also benefit from solar energy, such as in calculators that use solar power to run. Larger systems will need to use flooded, gel, or AGM (absorbed glass mat) batteries. Using these components and the assistance of someone in the know - or with your own resources - you will be able to own a useful and efficient alternative energy system.
Explore the potential of solar power and the way it's getting utilized in lowering pollution levels and conserve revenue throughout Australia. Receive 3 no cost quotes on solar panels or a solar system in your home or organization.